Slackjawed, Glossy-Eyed Ramblings by Nick Thomas
In November, I received a text from my friend and client Nick Thomas of The Spill Canvas, and he bestowed upon me the honor of helping him publish his first book. We’ve been talking about this project for years — a book of lyrics, illustrations, pictures and memories of the last 15 or so years of his songwriting and singing career — and this month, we made it happen.
I’m incredibly proud of him for writing this book and equally proud of the end product we’ve created together. It’s packed full of stories about love, loss, addiction, and the power of music. I might be biased, but I can’t recommend it highly enough.
Here are some photos of the book design and a few inside spreads. Want to see the rest? You can purchase a copy of your own here.
Smack-dab in the middle of pitches, the holidays, and cold-and-flu season, I have to say how eternally grateful I am l for the friends (and clients) that allow me to be part of their lives.
This book, even without my design contribution, represents a significant milestone in my life. These words, scribbled in notebooks 10 and 15 years ago, first changed my life when I heard them on their respective albums. Now, I have the honor of having helped publish them yet again in this deep, intimate book format. I hope you’ll read it. (And pick up the super cute ceramic mug we’ve designed to make the reading experience complete.) Cheers and happy holidays!